Orkney Islands Cartel ?

This is a blog I never thought that I would be writing as an archaeologist and business owner. 

I moved to Orkney with my daughter in 2016, in the search of a nicer and safer lifestyle where I could practice my profession without impediments of a saturated field and where I could raise my daughter in relative safety away from the majority of societal problems. 

I chose Orkney as Orkney had the best Master’s program for the area in which I needed to run my business. It was touted as a safe and friendly place where everyone is welcomed and treated with respect. 

This was certainly misselling on a large scale and since we arrived in 2016, we have experienced the hidden part of Orkney that few outsiders get to see.  The underbelly of Orkney is unpleasant and anyone who is not in some sort of protective clique gets destroyed. 

It seems that feudalism is very much alive and like that proverbial rare dinosaur protected by its secluded and dense habitat, so is Orkney’s feudalist ideology. The idea that one must be of the right family or protected by the right family is a concept that is alien to me. I wondered if I had inadvertently stumbled into a chapter of the Corlionne Family’s history.  When I lamented at the unfairness I was told that I “did not have the right name”. 

What the heck did that mean?! I just wanted to be left alone to raise my child and practice my profession, a profession that I have invested thousands of pounds, yet somehow I have been sucked into some sort of tawdry political game. So, when I recently read of a case brought to court by Blue Planet Holding Ltd against Orkney Islands Council for ‘cartel’ activities, a very large and bright bulb went off in my head.  It was the proverbial piece in the jigsaw puzzle that suddenly made everything so much more clear. 

The theft of our IP and its tending out as a commercial contract and misuse by the Council, the harassment and libellous comments, the whispering campaign, tampering with official documents and lies told in official statements and documents all seemed to indicate that we too had fallen foul of the cartel being run out of the Council. 

Whilst Blue Planet Holdings Ltd could not effectively prove their case because they could not prove their losses and link them to the cartel activity, it does not detract from their case. Proving cartel activity is not an easy task to do with just one case, it takes multiple cases  over a period of time to show cartel activity.  Every word written in the claim resonated with me. I too had encountered exactly the behaviours they had listed. It was uncannily accurate for it to not be more evidence of cartel activity.

For there to be a continued concern shows that many have seen the signs and fear there’s a cartel being run out of Orkney Islands Council, yet nothing of any use is being done.  Unlike Blue Planet Holdings Ltd,  I can prove through hundreds of emails and documents my losses and all the detriment and financial losses they have caused me. They have been assessed by anti-corruption experts, lawyers and a large commercial insurance company. 

Granted, that I don’t have the right name, but I have something better than a name; I have proof and the truth, it’s all I need. 





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